Škoda Transtech is increasing the effectiveness in the supply chain

Škoda Transtech is a light and heavy rail rolling stock manufacturer, providing also full value and product chain for their vehicles. The company is owned by Škoda Group. Škoda was founded in 1859, today Škoda is the major European company in the field of transportation engineering.
Škoda Transtech has ambitious growth targets for the upcoming years. By implementing Jakamo the company will ensure the performance for the growth needed in the supply chain. The target is to digitalize the supply chain processes and improve the supplier experience. By automating the purchase order and order confirmation processes Škoda Transtech seeks massive time and cost savings.
“Our goal is to increase our effectiveness in purchasing, automate the delivery control, increase transparency in the supply chain and improve communication with our suppliers. By implementing Jakamo we will release more time for supplier collaboration & development and other more value-adding work”, says Jyrki Penttinen, Purchasing Manager, Operative Purchasing.”
We warmly welcome a great manufacturing company Škoda Transtech, and all its suppliers, into the Jakamo Supplier Experience Platform!
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