Connecting enterprises, software,
and people within the manufacturing ecosystem.

Effortlessly Automate
Purchase Order Flow and More!


Providing industry standard applications for purchasing, sourcing, supplier quality, value engineering, master data, and sustainability.


Standard APIs available both for customer and supplier allowing a transparent end-to-end data transfer in POs and other business critical processes.


Evidence of high supplier coverage rate and high supplier envolvement. Providing APIs for the suppliers to connect their ERP to Jakamo.


Jakamo is a continuously developing independent SaaS platform built on Microsoft Azure. In addition, Microsoft Preferred Solution.

The Supplier Experience Platform

Jakamo is the supplier experience platform connecting manufacturing customers and suppliers globally. Great manufacturing companies have digitalized their business-critical processes with Jakamo. Our customers have achieved exceptional results such as:
  • 100 % increase in purchasing efficiency
  • Shorter lead times
  • Improved OTD
  • Decreased costs of poor quality

Jakamo vs Portals

Comparing Jakamo Platform with traditional ERP portals


Traditional portal

Purchase order transactions and document sharing

Wide scope of industry-standard applications designed for procurement professionals

Communication feature included in all applications

High supplier coverage and involvement

Standard and scalable APIs available for suppliers

Intuitive and easy-to-use user-interface

Features for supply chain sustainability built-in the existing applications

Very short duration for technical implementation and supplier onboarding

Investment pay-back period calculated in months

Jakamo as an industry-standard platform is a continuously developing SaaS-product. It doesn't require massive version updates nor expensive customisation. You can be sure that you're using the latest technology and all new features developed for the ecosystem are available for your company immediately.

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